Announcing the Instagram for Authors Course!

Last year, way back before my first book launch (was that just last year??), I wrote a guest post on Shayla Raquel’s blog all about Instagram. I talked about how authors can use Instagram to market themselves before they even have a book out.

I’d heard a lot about “building your platform,” but no one seemed to have good, practical advice. And the advice I could find led me to believe that I had to take pictures of me holding my book and fill my Instagram feed with it. What else would a writer talk about, right?

WRONG. Writers have so much more to say!

But Instagram kept coming up on my radar. So, naturally, I wanted to dive in and learn all I could.

So I did.

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Ten Questions Every Author Should Ask a Prospective Editor

Writing a book is a big deal. I get it. You've spent hours, days, weeks, months on your book and can't wait to get it out into the world, right?

Let's not toss it up on Amazon just yet.

Remember those hours, days, weeks, and months you spent on your book? You've spent more time with your book than you've spent with most of your friends. (I mean, probably.) It's almost like your CHILD. They don't call it a "book baby" for nothing!

So why settle for less than putting your best possible book out into the world?

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