No Longer Becoming, But Instead I Am
This week, I caught the flu. And I didn’t even know it.
If you’ve read some of my previous posts, you know that I live with chronic illness. So this week, when my body started shutting down, I thought I was simply flaring (i.e. my chronic symptoms were showing back up). But I didn’t know why. Did I eat the wrong food again? Was I exposed to some toxin? Was an emotional trauma brought to my subconscious mind that I needed to address?
Goals for 2020
Happy New Year and New Decade!
When I started the last decade, I didn’t really mark the occasion. I barely noted it at the time! But it led into the most challenging but also most rewarding decade of my life.
So I’m excited to see what the next decade holds! I’d hope for more rewarding things, more exciting things, and less of the challenging things, but I was recently reminded that those who go through challenges are often the most kind, understanding, caring, selfless people. And that’s not a coincidence.
But this post isn’t about the decade. It’s about 2020! (My OCD just loves that number.) I have a lot of goals for the new year (some I’ve already made progress on!), so I thought that putting them here would help make me accountable to stick to them! There are a ton — and I know there will be adjustments made along the way — but I’m excited about this year and ready to get these things DONE!
2019 Wrap Up
Can you believe we’re at the end of 2019?
This year was pretty, um, challenging for me, so I’m glad to be moving on to 2020! But before I do that, I wanted to give you a rundown of everything that’s happened this year. I’m sure even I will be surprised as I go through it!
When You Don’t Feel Thankful for Thanksgiving
Today marks Thanksgiving Day in the US. It’s a time for family to gather, celebrate traditions, and eat a lot of yummy food. It’s a time that most enjoy.
But what if you don’t?
What if you’re dreading difficult conversations? What if being around your family is less than peaceful? What if the holidays are the farthest thing from love, joy, and peace and instead bring anxiety, guilt, and that horrible feeling in the pit of your stomach?
I Quit My Job Today
I quit my job today.
Today’s not the day I drafted up a letter, asked to meet with my boss, and handed in my resignation. I did that weeks ago. No, today’s the day I’m done.
My last day at my day job.
As I write this way too early in the morning, since it’s becoming apparent that on the days of my big life events I can’t seem to stay asleep, I’m filled with a mix of emotions. I have a knot in my stomach, but kind of in a good way, you know? My body is thrumming, buzzing, my nervous system keyed up for what I know is coming today. And yes, there will probably be tears.
I’m nervous, excited, anxious, happy, nostalgic, ready, TERRIFIED.
What if I fail? What if I succeed? What if I can’t make the entrepreneur life work? What if I’m not cut out for this?
But what if I am?
What My Health Challenges Have Taught Me
I haven't talked about it much, but I've had some health challenges this summer. It hasn't been easy, but I wanted to give you an update to let you know why I haven't been around much. But, more importantly, I wanted to share what I've learned in the process.
Book Two Announcement: TITLE, UPDATE, and SYNOPSIS
It's time I caught you up on Book Two!
Codex Series Book Two TITLE!
Earlier this year, I finished the first draft of my second book in the Codex series! That's right — The Secret of the Codex has a sequel! Well, it has a second book in the series, which will definitely have a third and possibly a fourth. I'll have to see how the third one plays out...
I thought it was time to get you all up to speed on the title of book 2! It's pretty evocative (in my humble opinion) so I just love it. Ready?
Author Interview #2 — Alyssa Markins (and Book Launch Pics!)
Guess what? I had the pleasure and honor of being interviewed a second time! (Check out my first author interview here!) This time, the fabulous Alyssa Markins conducted the interview and put it on her website — under the heading "Creativity and Coffee." Isn't that awesome?I had so much fun answering all these questions and letting others know about my book!