How to Get Started Writing (Ideas to Help You Develop a Pre-Writing Routine)

Have you ever struggled with starting your book? Maybe you have an idea, but you just can’t seem to actually sit down and get words on the page. Or maybe you’ve written a little bit, but you’re having trouble getting back into it.

This video is for you!

In this week’s video, I’ll give you ideas for developing your pre-writing routine so you can get in the right mindset — and once your mindset is right, the writing will come a whole lot easier!

Watch below!

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Goodbye, 2020, and THANK YOU (A Little Inspiration for 2021)

On the last day of 2020, I shared a post on Instagram. And because I loved it so much, I thought I’d share it here. Seemed fitting for my first post of 2021!


UNPOPULAR OPINION: I’m grateful for 2020.

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Indie Author Learning Black Friday Sale! 🛍 (and special announcement!)

Happy Friday! Hope you had a safe and healthy Thanksgiving.

Black Friday 40% Off Sale!!

Indie Author Learning is having its biggest sale of the year! From now through Monday the 30th (is it still Cyber Monday if we're all shopping online for the whole weekend anyway?), you'll get 40% off EVERY RESOURCE on the Indie Author Learning site! Just use code BLACKFRIDAY40 when you check out.

Here are just a few resources you could buy for yourself this year — why not invest in yourself and set yourself up to win in 2021?

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Writing Webinars Weekend Blitz

Happy Thursday!

Are you participating in NaNoWriMo this year? (If you’re not familiar with it, November is National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo, where thousands of writers around the world attempt to write a novel in the month of November!) If you are, you may be in the midst of Preptober! (Get it? Prep + October?) Well, to get you in the writing mood before November 1st, I’ve got something really fun (and helpful) for you!

This weekend, starting tomorrow, I’m doing a Writing Webinar Blitz: three live webinars in three days. 😱 It’s gonna be so crazy, but with me moving next week (check out that announcement here), I wanted to get them out to you!

Check them out!

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Self-Editing: The Next Step After Finishing Your First Draft

So you've written a book.

You’ve worked hard on your book. You’ve plotted, planned, and written for days, months, even years to get your story onto the page. And you have an entire book to show for it! That’s amazing!

So what’s next?

Before you do anything else, celebrate! Most people haven’t written a book, but you have. Congratulations! Take a moment to celebrate your achievement.

But after that, you need a plan.

How do you know what’s next? What steps will get you from first draft to finished?

I’ve got you covered.

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What to Do After You Finish Your Book

You’ve finished your book. Congratulations! That’s amazing! CELEBRATE!

But as you’ve probably discovered, you’re not done. There are a few steps between finishing the first draft and publishing a book, especially if you’re self-publishing. So what should you do? How do you know what to do next? What step should come first, second, even fifth?

It’s natural to have a ton of questions. Let’s go down the list.

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Introducing the Instagram Planning Calendar

Ever struggle with staying consistent on Instagram?

Maybe you don’t know what to post.

Maybe you have some ideas, but you’re not sure how to put it into a plan.

Or maybe you’re stuck in the planning phase and you struggle with actually creating the content and getting it posted.

I was the same way. Until January of this year (yes, just two months ago), I didn’t plan ANYTHING. Everything you saw on my IG was basically last-minute. Which meant that it was sporadic at best.

I knew if I wanted to level up and really start taking my social media author presence seriously, I needed to start planning.

And, at first, it was PAINFUL.

But I’ve learned so much, tried so much more, and I’m starting to find out what works for me.

And what works is having a simple plan to GET THINGS DONE.

Enter the Instagram Planning Calendar.

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February 2020 Monthly Goals

Who else makes monthly goals?

Setting goals is such a good idea and so helpful! If you don’t set goals, how will you know if you’re achieving your dreams?

So I thought it might be a good idea to keep you guys posted about what I’m working on this month. You know, just for fun. 😊

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