Self-Editing: The Next Step After Finishing Your First Draft

So you've written a book.

You’ve worked hard on your book. You’ve plotted, planned, and written for days, months, even years to get your story onto the page. And you have an entire book to show for it! That’s amazing!

So what’s next?

Before you do anything else, celebrate! Most people haven’t written a book, but you have. Congratulations! Take a moment to celebrate your achievement.

But after that, you need a plan.

How do you know what’s next? What steps will get you from first draft to finished?

I’ve got you covered.

The next step is SELF-EDITING. This means you’re going to go through your manuscript and clean it up yourself. You’re going to ensure your phrasing is polished, the words you chose are ideal, and the story is told clearly and with finesse. It sounds like a big task. It is.

But don’t get discouraged! The process is actually pretty simple. And this Self-Editing Ebook Bundle breaks it down for you.

The bundle consists of three things:

◆ Self-Editing for Pantsers Ebook (but Plotters are welcome, too!), a how-to guide for developing your custom self-editing plan
◆ Self-Editing Checklist, a companion checklist to the ebook to help you stay on track after you’ve read the book
◆ Self-Editing Story Bible Template, a helpful Google Sheets spreadsheet designed to help you track important details in your book, plan your timeline, and schedule your editing time

You’ll learn:

✔️ What editing drafts will work best for your book
✔️ How to create an editing plan and make it work for you
✔️ What things you should keep straight in your book and why
✔️ Why self-editing is the best thing you can do for your book
✔️ How not to get overwhelmed by the details

So if you’ve written a book but don’t have a clue what to do next (whether you plan on using an editor or not), you need this bundle to help you figure out your next steps. Grab your Self-Editing Ebook Bundle today!

Tell me about your experience with self-editing — is it a long, frustrating process, or do you enjoy it? Let me know in the comments! 👇🏻


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