The Prophecy of the Codex Playlist

One of my favorite parts about working on a new book is creating a book playlist.

Come on — I can’t be the only one who does this.

Sometimes books come so quickly (I wrote a book this summer in like 11 days, after all) that I don’t have the time to create a book playlist, but when I work on the first draft for a while, I have so much fun curating a list of songs that fit the book perfectly! It also helps me think about the book and want to get back to writing when I listen to it. I’ve gotta be sneaky with myself at times. 😏

Sometimes a particular song will speak to me during a scene, and I can actually hear the song playing while the scene is happening in my head. It’s so much fun!

Other times, I feel like the lyrics or melody really connect with the book either overall or as a particular theme in the book.

Either way, the songs on my playlist are specially chosen to fit with The Prophecy of the Codex (which comes out in just ONE WEEK, by the way!).


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A Book Excerpt to Celebrate Two Weeks Until Launch!

That’s right! We’re only two weeks away from the launch of The Prophecy of the Codex, book 2 in the Codex series.

So to celebrate, I thought I’d give you a really fun excerpt. It’s a bit lengthy, but it’s about Holun (who you met in book 1, The Secret of the Codex) and Yatzil (who we meet in book 2). And it’s SO FUN. I love these two so much.


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The Preorder is LIVE 🎉 — Plus a Book Excerpt from The Prophecy of the Codex!

Happy Tuesday!

We’re only THREE WEEKS AWAY (😱) from the release of The Prophecy of the Codex (10/27/20), so to celebrate, I thought I’d do two things.

First, I put the preorder for the ebook up for sale! (If you want the paperback, I’ll have news on that when it’s live! Paperbacks don’t have the preorder option 😭) You can grab your copy below — I’ve already seen the interior of the book, and it’s so beautiful, y’all.

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Cover Reveal, Release Date, Book Blurb, Interior Formatting Preview, and Book Excerpt for The Prophecy of the Codex!

It’s time for a TON of book release goodies! Ready??

Book Cover

A few days ago, I sent out an email with my cover reveal, book blurb, and release date announcement for my upcoming book, The Prophecy of the Codex. But I realized I hadn’t put it here, so here goes!

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Why I'm Writing Romance

If you’ve read my first book, The Secret of the Codex, you know that I love romance. Kayla and Grady are #couplegoals, and I just loved writing their story.

But except for some fairly steamy-but-still-clean kissing scenes, I didn’t get too much into the romance part. It didn’t feel true to the characters or the story.

In the second book, The Prophecy of the Codex, I explore this a little further. Don’t worry — I don’t get into a lot of details, but you definitely get the point.

I suspect the subsequent books will stay in that same vein.

You have to write what works for the story.

But on February 9th, I started a new book. And this one’s a romance. Like a full-on steamy romance. For mature audiences.

Why the switch?

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February 2020 Monthly Goals

Who else makes monthly goals?

Setting goals is such a good idea and so helpful! If you don’t set goals, how will you know if you’re achieving your dreams?

So I thought it might be a good idea to keep you guys posted about what I’m working on this month. You know, just for fun. 😊

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Book Excerpt from The Prophecy of the Codex

Today I thought I’d do something I haven’t done here in a while: Share a book excerpt! It’s been too long.

And since I’m starting the edits for The Prophecy of the Codex really soon (c’mon Melissa!), I thought I’d share a scene from that book! (I’m planning for a release later this year. 😱)

First, here’s an inspo pic to help you try to picture the *unedited* scene, which is near the beginning of the book.

Also, while you’re reading this scene, play this song. You’ll thank me later.

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Goals for 2020

Happy New Year and New Decade!

When I started the last decade, I didn’t really mark the occasion. I barely noted it at the time! But it led into the most challenging but also most rewarding decade of my life.

So I’m excited to see what the next decade holds! I’d hope for more rewarding things, more exciting things, and less of the challenging things, but I was recently reminded that those who go through challenges are often the most kind, understanding, caring, selfless people. And that’s not a coincidence.

But this post isn’t about the decade. It’s about 2020! (My OCD just loves that number.) I have a lot of goals for the new year (some I’ve already made progress on!), so I thought that putting them here would help make me accountable to stick to them! There are a ton — and I know there will be adjustments made along the way — but I’m excited about this year and ready to get these things DONE!

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