Stop "Aspiring" to Be a Writer
Have you ever called yourself an aspiring writer?
We’ve all been there. Thinking that until we have a book published, or edited, or drafted, or _________, we can’t call ourselves a “writer (period).” We think we are “aspiring” to a lofty title, a far-off goal that may or may not even be clear in our heads. We think that “aspiring” tells people we’re humble. And, deep down, we think “aspiring” means we’re off the hook.
We think that by calling ourselves an “aspiring” writer, people will forgive our mistakes. They’ll overlook our incorrect use of the word “their” and a little telling (vs. showing) and accept us as a newbie. They’ll recognize that we’re still learning. (Spoiler: everyone’s still learning. EVERYONE. Yes, even Stephen King.)
But please, hear me on this: NO ONE can tell you you’re a writer but you. I’ll say it again.
No one can tell you you’re a writer but you. (click to tweet)
If you’re waiting for something external — another person, a singular event (like publishing your book), the New York Times bestseller list — to validate your chosen field, you will never feel validated. You will never get there.
I know, it’s harsh. But if you don’t first call yourself a writer, YOU WILL NEVER BECOME ONE. Most people think that you first get motivated, then you create. Or, stated another way, you first become a writer, then you call yourself one. But that’s inherently faulty thinking.
You must first believe yourself to be a writer. Wholeheartedly, without a doubt in your mind, you must acknowledge, affirm, shout from the rooftops that YOU ARE A WRITER. Only then can you take action to become the writer you want to be.
This isn’t an original concept or even a new one. Years ago, way back before I had any kind of platform (maybe a tiny website?) and couldn’t even imagine the world reading my words, I found Jeff Goins’ book, You Are a Writer. I devoured the book, reading it quickly then letting the concepts sink in. And, in the introduction, I came across this quote:
…we’d all like to leave some kind of impact on this ball of dirt. But most of us, tragically, won’t. We’re afraid of the cost. We’re worried we don’t have what it takes. We’re anxious about the road it takes to get good enough. We’re terrified we’ll fail to live up to our idea of greatness. So we play it safe and abide by the rules.
Before we even start, we sabotage our work and subvert our genius.
And how, pray tell, do we do this? With words. Subtle but serious words that kill our passion before we can pursue it. Words like “aspiring” and “wannabe.” Words like “I wish” and “someday.”
There is a solution to this. A simple way of facing your fears and living the dream: Become who you are.
~ Jeff Goins, You Are a Writer
If you call yourself an “aspiring” writer, you’re selling yourself short. You’re telling the world — and, more importantly, yourself — that you’re not really a writer, not yet. Maybe not ever.
Are you okay with that?
I know I wasn’t. So that day forward, I started to call myself a writer. Period. No matter who the world thought I was, I knew in my heart that I was a writer.
Do you write? If you write, you’re a writer. Writers write, simple as that.
So let’s stop aspiring to be something and just claim the title for ourselves.
Let’s be WRITERS, period.
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