Monday Updates!
Happy Monday Everyone!I just wanted to quickly give you a few updates about The Secret of the Codex book launch (and some other things, too). I hope it brightens up your day!
1. My Guest Post Went LIVE!!
I wrote a post for Shayla's Raquel's website and it went live this week! It's all about how authors on Instagram can market themselves and their book — even if the book's not out yet!Please check it out, then let me know what you think!How to Market Yourself on Instagram Without a Book to Sell (Yet)
2. The Secret of the Codex eBook is Up for Preorder!!
That's right! If you were wanting to get the ebook, you can preorder it here! The paperback will be available on August 28th on Amazon. I'll send out the link to that when it's live!Preorder The Secret of the Codex now!
3. August 28th Online Release Party!!
Y'ALL. (I sound like Mandy in the book hahaha) The book releases in EIGHT DAYS. EIGHT!! It's so hard to believe this decade-long journey is finally culminating with The Secret of the Codex being revealed to the world. It's been in my head and my heart for so long — I'm so glad you all will finally be able to read it!I'll be doing some online celebrations on Facebook and Instagram (possibly even Twitter) on August 28th! Of course, all of you on my email list will be getting a few (okay, probably more than a few, but I'll keep it to a minimum) emails about the book release! (If you're not on my email list, why not? It's super easy to join, and you can always unsubscribe at any time. Just follow this link! You'll even get the first three chapters of The Secret of the Codex for free, just for signing up.)This Friday, I will be sending out an email to you with promotional pictures and some information about the book. I'd love it if you would share these on your various social media platforms!! It would really help me get the word out. Sign up now to be included!!Speaking of which...
4. Connect with Me on Social Media!!
As mentioned before, I'll be doing some major celebrating all over social media on release day (and leading up to it)! I'd love it if you would join me!I can be found on Facebook at Melissa Frey - Author. You can find out all about the book and my life there. If you're on Facebook, check it out!I'm also on Instagram (as you could have guessed from the guest post I did — haha) under @melissafreyauthor where I post about the book, my writing process, and things I do from day to day. You can check out the hashtag #thesecretofthecodex to follow the book around and read more about it. I will also be doing a giveaway to celebrate 1000 followers! I'm so close, so I'd love it if you followed me there and kept your eyes out for that. You could win!I also have a Twitter page @melissafreyauth (I maxed out their character limit lol). Check out my feed there!Real talk: Sure, I'd love it if you got as excited about my book as I am. But that's not why I'd love to connect with you on social media. It will keep you posted about my upcoming books and hopefully entertain and inform you, but mostly I just want to hear from you! I want to hear the things that you'd like to see on my feed, the things you'd like to learn about, the things you'd like me to discuss. So connect with me on your favorite platform and start talking! :)
5. The Week Before Launch IS HERE!!
I CANNOT BELIEVE IT, but we're in the week before the launch! As such, I'll be sending out a few more emails than usual. I'll try to keep it interesting, I promise. :D Later this week, I'll be sending out my last character profile before the book comes about, this time all about Holun! He's probably my favorite secondary character in the book. His story is incredible! (And he may or may not be in the second book...) ;) Stay tuned, and watch your inbox! Even earlier this year I wouldn't have imagined I'd be releasing a book! You all have been such an encouragement to me. Thank you for joining me on this incredible journey!Hope you have a great Monday!<3 Melissa