Editing While Writing Your First Draft: Should You Edit While Writing Your Book?
Have you ever edited your book while you were writing it? You have? Me, too. 🙈
In this video, you’ll learn if I recommend editing while writing your first draft, how I came to that conclusion, and why I made that decision. And because it’s me, I’ll throw some inspiration in there for you, too. Because as writers, we all need encouragement!
Watch the video below! 👇🏻
Then check out the FREE ebook all about self-editing — you’ll learn a ton about self-editing and why it’s so crucial to the success of your book. Download it now!
Download the FREE Self-Editing Ebook, An Author’s Guide to Self-Editing, here.
And don’t forget to subscribe to my channel so you’ll know when new videos drop! 👇🏻
Once you’ve watched the video, let me know if you agree with me in the comments below!
<3 Melissa