A Food Post (and Some Writing Stuff Too)
As some of you may know, I love Paleo food. And this month, in September, my husband and I (along with a bunch of new online friends) are doing a Whole30! If you haven't heard of the program, it's a life-changing experience. I've done it more times than I can count!So in honor of our Whole30 this month, I wanted to share a pic of my Paleo, Whole30 "Ramen" bowl we had for dinner tonight. YUM.
Doesn't that look yummy? Sweet potato noodles with spinach, mushrooms, half a boiled egg, carrots, chicken, and sauerkraut on top for a sour bite! Definitely one we'll put in the rotation.. . .So this post can't all be about food, I know. I wanted to briefly share what's been going on with my writing.For the past few weeks, I've been a little stuck. I'm not sure where I want to go with my plot, so I've been dissecting what little I have until I'm not even sure what's left! It's been a struggle.But, as I was reminded today,
Time off doesn't mean time wasted.
I just got back from a 10-day vacation from work and it was WONDERFUL. I had made plans before I left work to write like crazy, read like crazy, and food prep like crazy. (Because, you know, Whole30.) Did I do all those things? Nope. I actually didn't work on my book at all.So when I went into work today, I was bummed that I hadn't worked on my writing all week. That's when someone at work said that it's good to take time away from it, and that I probably needed it.And I realized it was true.The plot will eventually work out. I know this, because it did for my first book. It will eventually come to me so clearly and all the pieces will fit together and I will run into the living room jumping up and down and clapping my hands and my husband will look at me like I'm a lunatic and I won't even care because I will have figured it out! And there's nothing quite as sweet as that, right?The time off – the waiting – is absolutely essential. It's the space in which we wait for the exact right amount of time to pass so we can become truly thankful – giddy, even – when the moment finally arrives, when all our dreams come true.So wait with me, won't you? I promise we're headed for a glorious resolution.